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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Acai Berry Diet Supplement - What Makes Acai Berries the Number One Superfood?

Health circles around the world have been buzzing with news about Acai berry. So what is it, and why is everybody so excited about it?

Acai berries are small round fruits that come from Acai palms native to Latin America. They have been relatively unknown outside of countries like Brazil until recently.

The exciting thing about Acai berry is that it has been widely hailed as the number one 'superfood' - and it's not an empty claim. Acai berries contain remarkable concentrations of antioxidants that mixed with high fiber content, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients make it indeed the number one 'superfood' of the world.

Acai berries are amazing because they have a very high amount of antioxidants. Ten times that of grapes and twice that of blueberries, the traditional sources of antioxidants. In fact, using the USDA method of determining antioxidant capacity - the Oxygen Radical Absrobance Capacity (ORAC) - Acai berries are shown to have a higher score than any other edible berry in the world!

Antioxidants, as you may already know, work by reducing free radicals - the nasty molecules that can damage your cells by inducing chain reactions. It therefore strengthens the immune system, and reduces cellular damage (including the effects of aging), and fight cancer. It also contains a certain type of phytosterol that is being used today in modern medicine to treat benign prostate dyperplasia.

The very high amounts of essential fatty acids in Acai berries and omegas also help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintain HDL (good cholesterol), reducing the risk of heart diseases. They are also extremely rich in vegetable proteins which unlike animal protein does not generate cholesterol. The fatty acid ratio of Acai berries, in fact, resemble that of Olive oil, which has long been associated with the low incidence of heart diseases in the Mediterranean regions.

And lastly, Acai berry is an excellent source of fiber and other vitamins and minerals, leading to healthier digestion and higher energy levels. All of that makes the Acai berry ideal for health-conscious people. And the good news is - Acai berries, unlike other health products, have a distinct tropical flavor that you can enjoy without feeling guilty.

Looking to buy acai berry diet supplement? Get your free trial offer of Acai Berry Select at now. Lose weight and flush the pounds!

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